March 13, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Honor Ceremony for James Reeder, Naval Veteran & Retired Law Enforcement Chaplain

On Wednesday, I was honored to receive an invitation from Yeringtonite  Pamela Reeder to an Honors Ceremony for her husband James Reeder, Naval Veteran and Retired Law Enforcement Chaplain.

Pamela wrote: “My husband who is on hospice, is being given Honors by the Veterans this Friday Feb. 25th …I would like to have you come and cover his Honors and story. He served in the Navy during Viet Nam 1972 to 1976.” James is valiantly fighting a battle with Parkinsons.

When I arrived, I was glad to see some familiar faces in Dennis & Leah Compston, Sandy Askins, as well as to meet other friends of Pamela & James Reeder. The Reeders moved to Yerington in 2014 and quickly forged friendships amongst their neighbors. Pamela & James have known each other since they were young children, became childhood sweethearts, and married as young adults.


Chaplain Dejuana officiated the ceremony via cellular phone:

“Hello, Mr Reeder. Hello, Mrs. Reeder. How are you? Well, praise the Lord for this day. And I’m so happy for this day, Mr. Reeder. We’re so happy to honor you for your service as a Navy veteran. And I invite you to remember that the King in me is speaking to the King in you. You, dear friend, by building yourself up with your faith, and you prayed a lot, that you were able to keep yourself in God’s love as you have learned and you have experienced… We want to invite joy into your life today and honor you…”

“Now I want speak in honor of your Navy service as well as your law enforcement chaplaincy that you told me about. It gave you hope. It gave you faith. It gave you prayer. And because of what you have done in your service, it was the ministry of your presence that helped others to be able to find answers to get through, to get over, to get around, and to get under all that we, as civilians, cannot imagine.  Your service to both men and women gave hope, which is a building of the foundation of our faith. and through your service you brought hope with faith…”

“And being in the Navy, you have had countless, countless experiences of hope and faith as well as in your law enforcement chaplaincy. And in your service, we want to give thanks today for bringing the sword of spirit with challenges locally and abroad. In your service, we thank you for bringing honor to people selflessly and giving prayer to people selflessly which became a lifeline in battles both abroad and domestically.”

“So as we honor you, we thank you for your service. We remember faith which is the assurance of things hoped for… well done, excellent, good and faithful servant. And you have been faithful to what you have done.”

“Chaplain James Reeder, rise today and onward. Your service is recognized as always from on high. Today we are giving you your flowers. Like you gave to other people. Remember this, the flowers from God’s garden will not only double, but will increase sevenfold and they are continually pouring forth, fragrant. And in closing today the King in me speaks to the King in you: “For I know the prayers I have for you. Prayers of peace, not of evil to give you faith and hope for the future.” And I want you never to forget that. And on this day, we want to continue to honor you.”

Next Denise O’Donnell, Veteran Coordinator for Infinity Hospice Care in Reno said: “We welcome you home, and in your return from service in Vietnam you did not receive a welcome home flag. So we present you now with your ‘Welcome Home Flag’…”

“On behalf of Infinity Hospice Care and the “We Honor Veterans Organization” that is nationwide, I thank you and I honor you for your service. Thank you for letting me come to honor you.”

Denise presented Jim with a Navy Cross, an American Flag lapel pin, and a Naval pin.

Leah Compston said, “Jim, this is a card from your neighbors. ‘Jim, thank you for your service. We hope you enjoy your flag.’“

In conclusion,  Dennis Compston presented Naval Veteran and Retired Law Enforcement Chaplain James Reeder with an American flag to post by his front door.