March 11, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

County Commissioners Meet 2/17/2022 at Silver Springs Community Center @ 9am : Join by Zoom

The Lyon County Board of Commissioners will be meeting on February 17, 2022, at 9:00 AM at the Silver Springs Community Center, 2945 Fort Churchill Road, and via Zoom at:

Meeting ID: 899 0685 6912  /  Passcode: 1566953

Mobile: 1-253-215-8782 / 1-346-248-7799


The Board has two Time Certain items:

  • 9:00 A.M. Public Hearing- Bill No. 22-02: For Possible Action: Approve an ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 1 – Administrative, Chapter 5 – Board of County Commissioners, by amending Section 3 Election District Boundaries.
  • 9:30 A.M: For Information Only:   Presentation Only on Lyon County Sheriff’s Yearly update.

The regular agenda includes:

Discussion and direction to staff on a response to the Nevada Tax Commission, which is considering removing Lyon County as a guaranteed county for the Supplemental City-County Relief Tax distribution.

Lyon County is currently a guaranteed county for the Supplemental City-County Relief Tax (SCCRT) distribution, which means Lyon County gets a predetermined distribution amount from the State each year regardless of actual amounts generated by the tax. The distribution has been significantly more than what was generated in the past. Lyon County has reached the threshold of generating over 10% more than they are receiving, which requires removal from the guaranteed status unless Lyon County seeks and is granted a one-year waiver. The waiver is only granted if the Nevada Tax Commission determines that the increase was primarily caused by nonrecurring taxable sales. If a waiver is granted, it is only for a single year.

It is challenging to determine if the increase has been primarily caused by nonrecurring taxable sales due to multiple factors that affect it. Prior to the pandemic, Lyon County was not generating more taxable sales than it was receiving.

Some factors that are affecting SCCRT that are not necessarily recurring are Stimulus funding, pandemic-caused purchasing changes (types of purchases, increased home improvement purchases due to people staying home, purchases delivered to homes, etc.), artificially low-interest rates that stimulate housing development, one-time purchases by Nevada Copper as they are ramping up for production.

Some factors that are affecting SCCRT that may be recurring: growth in population, inflation, internet sales now being taxed.

Discussion and allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.  (Requested by Commissioner Keller)

The Board has previously allocated $5,008,500 of the $11, 170,643 in ARPA funding. The remaining $6,162,143 qualifies under the revenue loss provision to be able to be used for any governmental purpose, which can include roads, buildings, ambulances, etc.

The Parks allocation is requested to increase to $527,000, unless the request is partially funded from park construction taxes.

The fire districts have requested ARPA funding for ambulances, which are approximately $270,000 each, including power cots.

The Fernley Justice Court has requested an expansion of their building space to be able to hold jury trials. It would be beneficial to also do an expansion and remodel of the Fernley Sheriff’s Substation at the same time a contractor is already on site.

There are many road projects that have been contemplated around the County as well.

Due to increases in construction costs, the sewer projects in Dayton are expected to continue to increase in cost.

Propose an ordinance relating to political signs, and amending Lyon County Code Title 7, Chapter 7.02.04, by repealing certain requirements, involving political signs including the limitation on when a sign can be placed prior to an election; and leaving in effect prohibition of political signs on Lyon County property or Lyon County rights of way.

Lyon County adopted an ordinance regulating political signs in 1998. The provision was intended to apply restrictions for the placement of political signs in Lyon County that were similar to the requirements set by the State of Nevada.

One of the concerns was making sure that political signs were taken down by candidates following the election. The early voting and change in the primary date make it necessary to remove the time restrictions prior to an election.

Some other counties have restrictions that are in place for political signs. Most involve a deadline for removing signs following the election.

The agenda and backup material can be found by clicking on the link:

Jeffery A. Page
Lyon County Manager/Emergency Management Director
27 South Main Street
Yerington, NV 89447
(775) 463-6531/(775) 577-5037
(775) 302-7088 (Cell)
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