March 12, 2025

Pizen Switch Times

established 2021

Busy Agenda for the Lyon County Board of Commissioners on Thursday, February 3rd

The Board of Commissioners have a busy agenda for February 3, 2022

February 3, 2022 the Board of Commissioners has a full agenda on a variety of issues. The Board of Commissioners will meet at 9:00 AM in the Greg Hunewill Chambers at 27 South Main Street in Yerington.

The Board has one time certain item at 10:00 AM. The Board has asked for a presentation from the City of Fernley on the status of lining the TCID Canal. The Board may take action authorizing the County Manager to assist the City with to assist the City of Fernley with negotiations, litigation in regards to the Bureau of Reclamations plans to line the TCID Canal with concrete.

Awards and presentations

Recognize Greg Smith for his positive attitude and willingness to serve as the Acting Wastewater Superintendent during the Utilities Department time of need.

To recognize Lyon County Human Services staff John Davis, and Yerington Senior Center volunteer Richard Ralston for their exemplary service to the seniors of the Yerington Senior Center.

Present Deputy Taylor Schairer with a Lyon County Sheriff’s Office Life Saving Award.

Action Items

Approve a resolution adopting policies for naming county facilities, parks, cemeteries, open space and drainages.

Update the Board of Commissioners on the status of purchasing/building a Community Center in Mound House.

Presentation, discussion and direction to the County Manager on the location, supporting road network, and funding for a second bridge in the Dayton area

To discuss and provide direction to the County Manager in regards to developing a Bill Draft Resolution (BDR) for the 2023 Legislature, which may include: discussion on possible topics for a BDR; direction to staff to research and come back with information related to a possible BDR; and input from the public on possible topics for a BDR. The Board may direct staff to prepare a resolution and bring back to the Board for further consideration

(A) Execution of “Subdivision Settlement Participation Forms” and releases pursuant to the One Nevada Agreement on Allocation of Opioid Recoveries (“One Nevada Agreement”) previously agreed upon for participation in settlements with (1) the State of Nevada and opioids distributor defendants AmerisourceBergen Drug Corporation, Cardinal Health, and McKesson as listed in Exhibit C to the One Nevada Agreement, and (2) the State of Nevada and opioid manufacturer defendant Janssen/Johnson & Johnson as listed in Exhibit C to the One Nevada Agreement; and (B) Execution of an “Amendment No. 1 to One Nevada Agreement on Allocation of Opioid Recoveries” regarding a reduction in attorney’s fees to the One Nevada Agreement for purposes of these two settlements only.

Propose Ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 5, Chapter 5.01.02, by prohibiting the licensing of a cannabis consumption lounge as a business; Title 7, Chapter 2, by prohibiting the consumption of cannabis and cannabis products in a public place; and providing for the severability, constitutionality and effective date thereof; and other matters properly relating thereto

A copy of the agenda and supporting materials can be found at this link:

Jeffery A. Page
Lyon County Manager/Emergency Management Director
27 South Main Street
Yerington, NV 89447
(775) 463-6531/(775) 577-5037
(775) 302-7088 (Cell)
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