The Lyon County Board of County Commissioners met in Yerington for the final regular meeting of 2021 to address several contentious items.
County Clerk-Treasurer Nikki Bryan presented a proposed map of the County Commission Districts. The proposed Commission Districts were created due to the census figures coming out and adjusting the districts based upon population. The map shows a significant growth of District 5 (Mason/Smith Valley) and District 3 (Dayton, Stagecoach and Silver Springs) into Silver Springs.
District 1 (Dayton, Moundhouse and Silver City) saw a reduction of landmass due to increased populations. District 2 (Silver Springs and Fernley) and District 4 (Fernley) boundaries were adjusted to account for the increased population as well.
Commissioner Jacobson voiced concerns that a decision should not be made until the public had more time to review and comment on the map. Fernley resident Cody Wagner commented that he was concerned that Silver Springs could theoretically have three Commissioners elected thus leaving the decision making to the least populated community in Lyon County.
The current Commission Districts could allow 2 Commissioners to be elected from Silver Springs or Fernley and there are currently two Commissioners elected from Dayton. The County Commission approved the map 4-1 (Jacobson voting no)
Lyon County announced on December 10, 2021, that the Board of Commissioners was considering an ordinance that would require manufactured homes to be placed on a permanent foundation, that a two-car garage be required and established a limit of a manufactured home older than six years old not be allowed to bet set in Lyon County.
Commissioner Keller proposed the ordinance with the amendment that removed the two-car garage requirement. The Board took public comment on the item but no action will be taken until January as state law requires two public hearings. If approved the ordinance will apply to new construction only and DOES NOT require existing structures to be placed on a foundation.
The Board of Commissioners brought finality to the 2020 Master Plan update. The Board approved the 2020 Master Plan Update. Lyon County has been working on the update for the past 18 months, conducted numerous public workshops and hearings. The public can get information on the plan and the plan itself by clicking on:
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