The Lyon County Board of Commissioners met on 9/2/2021 and took the following actions:
ORDINANCES – The Commission approved the following ordinances
Bill No. 21-04:An ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 15, Chapter 312 Section 6, NR (Neighborhood Residential 4,500 square foot minimum) and NR-H Neighborhood Residential 4,500 square foot minimum) limiting the instances where the NR zoning and the NR land use and development standards are allowed.
Bill No. 21-05 An ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 15, Chapter 349 Planned Unit Development (PUD) amending the calculation of allowable residential density based on net acreage to gross density.
Bill No. 21-06 an ordinance amending Lyon County Code Title 15, Chapter 203 Variances amending the authority of the final decision on a major variance application from the Planning Commission to the Board of Commissioners
Bill No. 21-07 an ordinance establishing the procedure for selection of an appraiser in Lyon County for use when the county desires to purchase or sell county property.
Propose Ordinance Amending Lyon County Code Title 04, Chapter 12, Section 4, revising provisions relating to purposes for use of tax proceeds to authorize the County to use the tax proceeds for any and all purposes set forth in NRS 377B.160
Approved a Request for Extension and Meal Price Adjustment from Trinity Services Group. The contract shall run from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022. The agreement states prices are to be adjusted annually by an amount equal to the change in the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index. The data reflects a 3.7% increase.
Approve a Commissary Agreement with Summit Food Service for commissary services in the Lyon County Detention Facility. No cost to Lyon County. Lyon County Sheriff’s Office wishes to change commissary providers. The Contract would begin October 4, 2021, and run until October 3, 2022.
Approved a subrecipient agreement from the City of Fernley to accept a grant for $320,000 in CARES funding for the costs of public safety personnel
Approved change order from K&C Construction for the Silver Stage Ballfield Project for an additional $6,436.00 to come out of the Park Construction Tax. This change order includes adding 57 more feet of chain-link fencing and installation of the redesigned 2 man/horse proof gates.
Approve additional speakers and replacement of sound system equipment at the Lyon County Fairgrounds in the amount of $6,200, to be funded from a contingency budget transfer.
Approval of the Final Subdivision Map for POINT LEGADO, PHASE 3, located in Dayton, NV (APN 016-361-73), not including road rights-of-way which have been offered for dedication and will not be accepted by the County until at least 90% of the lots within the respective unit has been developed, the improvements are inspected and approved by the County, and the County accepts the improvements for maintenance.
Approved a Zoning Map Amendment – to change the zoning on an approximately 0.92 acre parcel from RR-2T (Second Rural Residential – 2 acre minimum) to SR-12000 (Suburban Residential – 12,000 square foot minimum) located at 3120 Elm Street, Silver Springs (APN: 018-414-06) PLZ-2021-066.
Appointed Helaine Morres to the Dayton Valley Event Center Board
Approved a Plan for the Provision of Indigent Defense Services
Approve contracts with the following law firms to serve as conflict counsel under Lyon County’s Plan for the Provision of Indigent Defense Services: Edgerton Legal, LLC, Hutchison & Steffen, PLLC, John Law Practice, PLLC, Karla K. Butko, LLP, Pace & Associates, Inc., Pence & Associates, and Richard P. Davies.
Directed staff to coordinate with the City of Fernley, State of Nevada, and Nevada Veterans Cemetery to purchase and install a memorial plaque to honor Deputy Sheriff Brett Palmer (Retired) for his years of services with the Sheriff’s Office and serving the veterans of Northern Nevada.
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