While organizer Omar Rodrigues Lopez travelled back and forth along the parade route between the entry start and the judges’ and announcers table near the old post office on Main Street in Yerington, families began to gather.
Undercover Omar.
Jim Sanford graciously agreed to fill the position of the entry announcer at the Lyon County Fair Parade organized this year as a partnership with the Yerington Chamber of Commerce and the Lyon County Fair & Rodeo Board.
Could Jim Sanford be wondering how he got roped into this?!
Jim Sanford as he prepares for the long line of parade entries.
David Hockaday stands ready to judge entries in the parade. David is a Lyon County Commissioner and lives in Smith Valley.
Jerry Bryant, talking with Jim Sanford, was another parade entry judge. Jerry is a Yerington City Councilman.
Along the parade route, a giant American Flag waved in the breeze, attached to the Yerington ~ Mason Valley Fire Department’s Ladder Truck.
Steven Ward agreed to round out the panel of parade entry judges. Steven is the President of the Yerington Chamber of Commerce and local business owner.
Waiting for the parade on the steps of the “Old Post Office” on Main Street in Yerington, Nevada.
With the morning sun intensifying, parade enthusiasts gathered on the east side of the street in the shade.
Kids were ready for the traditionally tossed candy.
Families ready for the parade entries to arrive.
These folks found a nice spot of lawn to watch the parade from.
“Here it comes!” Sirens blaring, lights flashing the firetrucks marked the beginning of the Lyon County Fair & Rodeo Parade. Everyone stood as the Color Guard presented the American Flag and the Nevada State Flag.
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