This article was written by LM Wilkinson and was published in the Mason Valley News on December 27, 2017.
Seeing others as they enthusiastically join in the Christmas or Holiday spirit can stir melancholy, anxiety, and even panic in some of our community members. These emotions can arise from financial stressors; isolation; memories of family/friends who are no longer on this earth; the passage of time; regrets; etcetera.
Overcoming these emotional stressors is possible!
Even with this article being published 2 days after Christmas, we are still in the midst of the holidays.
Start with identifying how you have been or are feeling. Emotions are not right or wrong, they just “are”.
If the emotions you have identified are ones that you would prefer not to dwell on; identify them, then put them on a conveyor belt to be “taken away”, at least for a reprieve !
I like to think of Lucy and Ethel on the old sitcom, I Love Lucy, when they are packaging candy on a conveyor belt that begins to go too fast for them to keep up.
Instead of stuffing those emotions in your mouth and cheeks (like Lucy & Ethel with the candy), let the conveyor belt throw those unwanted feelings into the garbage bin!
Next, try distraction. Take a mini-vacation from those troubling thoughts and emotions: Take a walk, or just take 3 steps outside of your house. Get some sunshine on your face. Go window shopping at Rex Drugs or Jane’s Red Rooster. Check out the vintage goodies at the Attic. Visit Twigs for a dose of bubbly joy from Tracey. Drive “the loop” around Mason Valley, and count all of the hawks you see. Sit at the counter of either Dini’s or Pioneer café…and visit with the waitresses.
The point is: be present in the NOW! Live THIS moment.
If your melancholy is more serious than just the moody blues, please reach out for help. People are available to help you navigate the path to wellness.
If you or someone you know/care about is immediately suicidal: call 911 and a Lyon County Dispatcher will send an officer to assist, and possibly send an ambulance to take you for mental well-being care at South Lyon Medical Center Emergency Room (open 24 hours/day).
Crisis Support Services (24 hours/day): 1-800-273-8255 .
CARE Team : For adults in Rural Nevada who are experiencing mental health crisis 877/283-2437
Rural Mobile Crisis Response Team Hotline (24 hours/day: For children and their families in times of crisis) 775/688-1670 or 702/486-7865.
Rural Mental Health, Yerington (Monday-Friday; 8am to 5pm, outpatient treatment): 775-463-3191
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